Selling Real Estate - Perception VS Truth (Part 1)

Perth Real Estate Sales News & Market Insights  |  23 March 2021

How often have you heard, or perhaps even thought, "How hard can selling a house be?".

The misconception that selling houses is easy, is a source of frustration for many agents and one we hear voiced a little too often.

The Real Estate Registration course delivered by REIWA and other training providers covers the basics and legalities of listing properties and contract writing; however, this is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a day in the life of a real estate professional.

It doesn't take long for a real estate rookie to realise just how much research, negotiation and even psychology is involved in every property transaction - and when they do, they're often like a deer in headlights! 

One of our newest recruits was astounded at how much goes into the appraisal process alone. She had just finished the REIWA Sales Registration course, which really only touched on comparing sales evidence on 'like for like' properties on RP Data and the different appraisal methods. On her first day with Xceed I asked her questions regarding;

  • house size and land size
  • type and age of construction materials used
  • quality of surrounding homes
  • condition and type of gardens
  • the design and elevation
  • proximity of critical infrastructure

And, how all of these contributed to the final estimate. She was stunned!

This is no reflection on her; it merely highlighted the steep learning curve all new representatives face when they commence their career in the 'real world'.

Another new Xceed team member has just completed their first four weeks with us after completing his qualification and, despite owning successful businesses for over ten years, was blown away by how much there is to learn in the realm of Real Estate.

A successful Real Estate agent can both follow a proven sales process and have the ability to manage the curve balls that often come their way. Research, and an understanding of the elements that drive buyer behaviour, is critical in positioning a property correctly in the market. Only once these factors are understood can an agent confidently advise and educate their vendor, building trust between the parties.

Both knowledge and intuition come into play here, as an agent must know how to interpret the market, property data and understand how to observe patterns of behaviour in Buyers and Sellers.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this Blog!

If you're interested in finding out more about what it takes to be a highly skilled and knowledgeable Real Estate Sales Representative, call Jonathan Marlow on 9207 2088 or shoot us an email at


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