Considering renting out your property?

When choosing a company to manage your property, you want comfort in the knowledge that you have appointed the best people for the job.

At Xceed Real Estate our dedicated team of property management professionals are some of the most experienced professionals in their field.

We have the experience, systems & procedures to help you achieve the best possible result for your property.

Click here to arrange an Rental Appraisal of your property.

Why choose Xceed Real Estate to manage your property?

Some things to think about when choosing an agency to manage your property:



  • Do you have multiple investment properties across Perth? Or maybe you're considering purchasing another investment property which might not be geographically close to your current investment property?
    • Xceed Real Estate is one of the few agencies in Perth that will allow you to keep all of your investments managed under the one roof! This means you don’t have keep track of which property manager is the correct contact for each property & you don’t need to run around at tax time madly collecting & compiling all the paperwork from various property managers. At Xceed Real Estate, we have staff strategically based in multiple locations to ensure your property can be efficiently managed by our company, wherever it is!
  • But shouldn’t the office managing my property be situated close to the investment property?
    • Back in the good old days, the answer was yes! But today, with the use of sophisticated technology, we're able to efficiently & effectively manage property anywhere in Perth.
    • Payment of rent is now done electronically by bank transfer, so there's no longer a need for tenants to pop into the office & pay cash!
    • For those looking to rent or buy a property, the first place they now look is on internet, not the shop window down the road.
    • Lease agreements or contracts to be signed? We use legislatively compliant electronic signing software which not only reduces the risk of fraud, but also ensures the documents are signed twice as quick!



Living in a very fast paced society, with everything now available at your fingertips, we understand that when you need something, you need it NOW! We also understand that our landlords are busy people who may not always have time to call the office during work hours to get another copy of that Lease Agreement or misplaced Rental Statement.

At Xceed Real Estate we have implemented a Landlord Portal/App which you can access 24/7 from your smart phone or computer. You can access important property documents such as your Management Authority, Lease Agreement, Tenants Property Condition Report, copies of Inspection Reports, Rental Statements & more. You can also check the tenants rental paid-to date, when the next inspection is due & look up the progress of maintenance or repairs which might be occurring at the property. Our tenants also get the benefit of their own version of the app, tailored to suit their needs.


Tenant retention & appreciation

At Xceed Real Estate, we understand how important it is to attract & then retain quality tenants. This is why we provide all our new tenants renting with Xceed a month’s free gym membership to a gym local to their new property! This not only helps show them we care but it also assists in the leasing process & provides added value to your property - which you don’t need to pay a cent for.

What about our existing tenants? We incentivise all our tenants to be great tenants with our quarterly tenant reward program which provides 3 tenants with $250 worth of gift cards each quarter - again paid for by us! All the tenants have to do is pay their rent on time & have a great inspection during that quarter to go in the draw. This encourages your tenants to make sure your property is kept looking its best.


Thorough & professional inspection reports

Next to the Lease Agreement, the Property Condition Report is arguably the most important document pertaining to the tenancy. The condition of your property literally rests in the quality & accuracy of this report.

Without meticulous detail & careful choice of wording (which our staff are trained to include into this report), you are leaving yourself open to huge risk of costly damages, cleaning & liability with limited opportunity for recourse.

Our staff also conduct quarterly inspections of the property & are especially trained in identifying any possible risks or liabilities, & implementing preventative measures with your tenants.

When you engage Xceed Real Estate, we take away a lot of the liability for you & ensure all the correct wording is used should you end up in court & rely on this document to recover money for damage.


Dedicated leasing team

Our leasing results are second to none.

We challenge you to find an agency in Perth with a lower vacancy rate than Xceed Real Estate. We attribute our outstanding leasing results to our dedicated leasing team who are 100% committed to leasing your property.

Traditional property management usually sees your property manager having to handle all of the leasing for your property when it becomes vacant. But with a portfolio of properties to manage, how can your property manager have the time to effectively market your property, keep tabs on the competition & also be readily available to attend any inspections that a potential tenant might request?

Our leasing team are available to show your property any time, before work, after hours, on weekends, you name it! We also use a sophisticated back end booking software that allows potential tenants to book their own inspections for times & days that suit them! We have found that potential tenants often book viewings after business hours, when they have time to sit back, relax & scroll through properties online. If your property manager requires a phone call during business hours to book a viewing, then chances are you will miss out on that potential tenant. Not to mention the viewing has to fit around your property managers already busy schedule, with routine inspections & condition reports.

Our leasing team can give 100% of their time, focus & resources to leasing your property & with a 24 hour application processing time guarantee.