Stress-Free, Hassle-Free, or We'll Manage It for Free Guarantee

1. Scope of the Guarantee: This guarantee applies exclusively to landlords with active investment properties managed by Xceed Real Estate. It does not extend to tenants. 

2. Subjective Nature of Stress and Hassle: We recognise that "stress" and "hassle" are subjective and can vary from person to person. For the purposes of this guarantee, "stress" or "hassle" is defined as follows:

  • Inconvenience or loss resulting from the agency's failure to comply with the terms of the management agreement.
  • Significant communication delays or miscommunication causing loss or significant inconvenience.

3. Exclusions: The guarantee does not cover situations beyond the agent's control, such as:

  • Property damage due to extreme weather conditions.
  • Break-ins or damage caused by contractors, tenants, or visitors, provided the agency has taken all reasonable actions to mitigate damage and loss.
  • Loss of rent situations; landlords are responsible for securing adequate insurance to protect against rent loss.

4. Claim Conditions:

  • To invoke this guarantee, landlords must notify the agent within 30 days of the occurrence of the incident.
  • Compensation, payment, or fee-free periods will apply only to the specific property in question. If a landlord owns multiple properties managed by Xceed Real Estate, the guarantee applies solely to the property related to the claim.

5. Forms of Compensation: Eligible claims under this guarantee may result in one of the following forms of compensation, depending on the circumstances:

  • 1 to 3 months free of management fees.
  • Reimbursement or partial reimbursement of the financial loss incurred.
  • Refund of inspection or agency fees specifically related to the incident under which the claim is made.

6. Limitations and Amendments:

  • This guarantee is not an offer of indefinite management free of fees.
  • It is not retroactive and applies only to properties currently managed by Xceed Real Estate at the time of the claim.
  • The agent reserves the right to review, amend, or withdraw this guarantee at any time.
  • Xceed Real Estate reserves the right not to honour this guarantee if the claim is deemed invalid.

We'll Pay Your Exit Fees So You Can Switch Guarantee

1. Scope of the Guarantee: This guarantee applies exclusively to landlords who are switching their property management to Xceed Real Estate. It does not extend to tenants.

2. Payment of Exit Fees: Xceed Real Estate will cover the exit fees from your previous property management agency, provided it is reasonable and economical to do so. The coverage of exit fees may be partial (e.g., up to 50%) depending on the specific circumstances and costs involved.

3. Exclusions: The guarantee does not cover:

  • Exit fees deemed unreasonable or excessively high.
  • Any fees not directly related to the termination of the previous management agreement.
  • Any additional costs incurred due to circumstances beyond the control of Xceed Real Estate.

4. Claim Conditions:

  • To invoke this guarantee, landlords must provide documentation of the exit fees from the previous property management agency.
  • The claim must be submitted prior to the signing of the management agreement with Xceed Real Estate upon switching.
  • Landlords must agree to a minimum 12-month management agreement with Xceed Real Estate upon switching.

5. Limitations and Amendments:

  • This guarantee is not an offer of indefinite financial coverage for all exit fees.
  • It is not retroactive and applies only to landlords who switch their property management to Xceed Real Estate at the time of the claim.
  • Xceed Real Estate reserves the right to determine the reasonableness and economical feasibility of paying the exit fees.
  • The agent reserves the right to review, amend, or withdraw this guarantee at any time.
  • Xceed Real Estate reserves the right not to honour this guarantee if the claim is deemed invalid.