Measuring the 'Health' of a Property Campaign is Scientific!

When selling a property, it's essential for selling agents to clearly understand how the campaign is progressing.

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Selling Your Investment Property with a Lease in Place

Selling an investment property with a tenant in situ can be a complex process, but with careful management, it can be a successful transaction that benefits both the seller and the tenant. As a landlord, there are several things to consider when deciding to sell a property with a current lease.

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Landlords' Insurance 

A PCR, or Property Condition Report, is prepared by a property manager prior to a tenant occupying a property, as close as possible to the move-in date.

Whether you're already a seasoned property investor or about to become a landlord for the first time, there are many things to consider - and landlords' insurance should be at the top of the list.

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Perth Real Estate Sales - Market Update March 2022

The Perth property market appears to maintain the buoyancy it's been enjoying over the past 18-24 months; however, upon closer inspection, there are two very different 'sub markets' operating simultaneously.

Established houses and other 'stand-alone' properties continue to go from strength to ...

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What is a PCR, and why are they important?

A PCR, or Property Condition Report, is prepared by a property manager prior to a tenant occupying a property, as close as possible to the move-in date.

The comprehensive report documents the property's overall condition (including an inventory of contents, if applicable)...

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Pets, or No Pets?  Why owners should consider pets on applications.

For the past two years, owners of Victorian rental properties have been legally unable to decline applications for tenancy on the basis of pet ownership. While such legislation does not yet exist in WA, DMIRS has already conducted a preliminary survey with REIWA members...

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How does Xceed's Sales 'TeamWork'?

We've all heard the expression 'Teamwork makes the dream work', so how does this look for team Xceed Sales?

Xceed Real Estate's sales team operate using a unique model whereby the Principal, Jonathan Marlow, doesn't sell at all. Having a leader...

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Perth COVID-19 Lockdown

& its effect on Property Management

There’s no doubt that the recent unexpected and very sudden announcement of the Perth lockdown has sent Perth Real Estate agencies into a tailspin, with many left confused as to whether they are still able to go into the office, if offices are to be...

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The rise of "Off-Market Sales"

Are they really in sellers' best interests?

Xceed Real Estate Director of Sales Performance, Jonathan Marlow, recently noticed a post on LinkedIn which caught his attention. A local real estate agent had run a 2-week property campaign that saw 43 groups...

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Urgent Reform Required for Construction Crisis

Perth's property market has experienced significant gains since 2020, with a remarkable overall increase of 20-30% in housing prices.

In this blog, we explore the impact of these concessions on the apartment market, extended building bonuses for consumers caught in the construction bottleneck, and potential solutions to address Perth's housing shortage.

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Why Routine Inspections are SO Important!

As a property owner, you know that maintaining your rental property is important, but did you know that regular inspections offer numerous benefits beyond just maintenance?

Here are a few more reasons why routine inspections are crucial to preserving and improving your property's value.

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Perth's Property Market - 2023 and Beyond

As we enter 2023, property owners, investors and first-home buyers are keenly watching the Perth property market. Media reports from banks and economists, including REA Group Chief Economist Nerida Conisbee, generally address the situation nationwide rather than in Perth exclusively. Conclusions drawn from NSW and VIC property markets are applied nationally, making it tricky to ascertain what relates to Perth and what doesn't.

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The Role of the Non-Selling Principal

When people ask me whether I still list and sell property, my response isn't a simple 'yes or no', so I thought it was a good opportunity to explore the roles of a selling principal versus a coaching principal.

Up until 2 years ago, my 20 years of experience as a real estate principal included...

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When does the Negotiation on your Property really start?

Contrary to what most people think, the negotiation process begins far earlier than the point where a buyer wants to make an offer on a property.

In fact, the point at which a skilled agent employs their negotiation skills is when a listing receives its first buyer enquiry. This is why...

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Selling Real Estate - Perception VS Truth (Part 2)

Real estate agents are in the business of relationship building, communication, marketing, negotiating, conflict resolution, researching, selling, leading, and closing. The vehicle through which all of this is achieved is 'selling houses'. The sale of a property is the final result of the effort agents put into the above areas with all stakeholders. The ...

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Evicting Tenants during COVID-19

A 6-month moratorium on residential tenancy evictions, from 30th March 2020, became legislated by the McGowan Government within weeks of the announcement.

The laws prevent tenants with incomes adversely affected by COVID-19 from...

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Using home opens effectively as part of a strategic sales campaign 

A common misconception amongst many agents and sellers is that weekly, scheduled home opens are essential in a property sales campaign. While home opens are useful, it's widely reported in the industry that more often than not, successful sales come from...

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Becoming a Property Manager

The Pros & Cons.

If you're considering a career in Property Management, it's essential to have a balanced view of what the job entails. For every capable and successful Property Manager, many others have...

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The Reverse Subject-Sale Process - A Creative Approach

In the ever-evolving real estate market landscape, a prevailing concern among sellers is the availability of suitable homes to move into. The current climate has sparked fear and hesitation, reminiscent of the anxiety witnessed back in 2005-2006, which only served to exacerbate the problem.

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Let's talk application screening!

One of the most common questions we're asked at every appraisal is, how does your tenant screening process work?

Kristie-Lee has provided a detailed list of each vital step we take to ensure we've secured the perfect tenant for your investment

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Selling Real Estate - Perception VS Truth (Part 1)

How often have you heard, or perhaps even thought, "How hard can selling a house be?".

The misconception that selling houses is easy, is a source of frustration for many agents and one we hear voiced a little too often.

The Real Estate Registration course delivered by REIWA and other training providers...

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How can tenants increase their chances of securing a rental property?

There's no doubt that the rental market is highly competitive, with many renters feeling disillusioned and frustrated when their applications are declined. So how can tenants maximise their chances of securing a rental property in the current market, where... 

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Going to the open market, pays off!

Further to our previous sales blog regarding off-market sales, we'd like to share an example of where taking a listing to the open market achieves the best possible outcome.

In this instance, Adam Whitford, one of Xceed's most accomplished sales... 

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Perth Property Management - Rental Market Update - August 2021

In the wake of a turbulent 2020/21 rental market, it's encouraging to observe some positive shifts which indicate conditions are slowing down a little. While the government moratorium on rent increases and evictions ended in March, it has taken several months to process the backlog...

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Perth Real Estate Sales - Market Update JUNE 2021

The cessation of Covid-related changes, including Job Keeper and Job Seeker payments, and the moratorium on rent increases, has seen the property market start to stabilise.

According to REIWA, stock levels in early February 2021 were approx. 7666, compared ...

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New Year's 2021 Market Insights

The first 6 months of the current financial year have revealed some interesting results in the property space - some expected, and others unprecedented.

Generally, we have observed positive movement; however, not across all market segments. Exceptionally low vacancy rates and...

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